When was the last time you took a moment for yourself? We live in a society where anymore we are running fairly non-stop in keeping up with the day to day obligations and always plugged in with our smartphones, various technology items, and the constant on the go daily requirements. I see it with many of the people around me that we are all running so hard. Do we dare even ask - are we running in the right direction?
Today was one of those days I just needed a moment to chill, relax, take some r&r, whatever you would like to call it - I needed a bit of a "me" break. So, being that I have just one dog with me today and we are coming off a very hectic last two weeks thanks to all of you for supporting my dog business; Zuzu and I hung out on the sofa for the past hour and watched the Nothing to Lose Documentary. (Side note, Zuzu also enjoyed the petting, pawdicure, and brushing fur time.)
This was some of the best time I could have spent to be inspired, lifted up, and re-energized about life and how and what I need to do to keep moving forward. Do you need a moment to be inspired, lifted up, and re-energized? If so, I very much recommend you take the time to watch the Nothing to Lose Documentary.
We all have dreams and hopefully we also all have goals to achieve those dreams... However, I think at times we can be so caught up in the day to day that we lose site of being laser focused on what we really need to do. How do we want to live our life? Do we inspire others around us? Do we have bigger plans we would like to see achieved? How are we getting there?
Ryan Blair is CEO of ViSalus, #1 New York Times Bestselling author of Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain, a serial entrepreneur and self-made millionaire. I follow him on facebook and twitter and have a great appreciation for the legacy he is building, his multiple giving back initiatives, and involvement with autism. Blair's New York Times Best Seller, Nothing To Lose and Everything To Gain: How I Went From Gang Member To Multimillionaire Entrepreneur, is an uncensored personal account of overcoming a life of adversity and a road map for entrepreneurial success through the process of reinvention, while simultaneously facing the biggest professional challenge of his career: rescuing his company, ViSalus.
What others are saying...
“This is an absorbing and inspirational 21st-century Horatio Alger story...”
“It’s one thing to go from rags to riches, and it’s another to go from a gangster living in poverty to a near-billionaire entrepreneur. Ryan Blair shares his inspirational story...”
“We all seek excuses to keep us from greatness. Ryan Blair takes your excuses and punches them in the mouth. This powerful documentary shows how it doesn’t matter where you started or what obstacles you face. When you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, you can overcome it all.”
My challenge to you today is take time for a "me" break. Watch the documentary, which is just a bit over an hour in length. And, maybe you too will also be inspired, lifted up, and re-energized with life.
Thank you so much for supporting my dog business! It is because of you, the close friendships I have with many of you, and your ongoing support of my dog business that you help inspire and energize me to think big, think outside the box in caring for our beloved companions, allow me to be able to support and be involved with charities, and ultimately dream bigger.
My heartfelt thanks and appreciation,
- Jennifer
P.S. If you are interested in knowing more about the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge, please click here.